Hope you are all keeping well in these strange times. I’m sure like us you are all missing cricket and we hope to get out playing soon. We thought that we’d give you an update on what is happening at the club.
As some of you may have seen there has been some guidance from the ECB about how to use the net facilities. We have almost concluded this and hope to get our nets open very shortly to members of the club. This will be a great start and a good way to enjoy some of this fine weather!

At present. We are not permitted to play matches, but we very much hope to play cricket this year. We have been in constant contact with the League about organised matches and with our various opposition teams from our friendly fixture list. The overwhelming feeling that is we will be playing cricket THIS SEASON!! There has been lots of worked carried out down at the ground, so massive thanks to those that have managed to help in a socially responsible way.
As a club we normally incur high expenditure before we start playing cricket in preparation for the season. This year we have had to repair the “Gang” mowers and all 3 square/strip mowers, expenditure we committed to before Lockdown. These costs plus insurance means we have already spent over £3500. There are also ongoing costs that are incurred regardless of how much cricket is played.
As a committee we have been discussing the best way to meet these commitments. We have come up with a four-pronged attack.
• Grants
• Membership Subs
• Donations
• Fundraising
We have applied for the funding we are eligible for, but even if we are successful this still leaves a shortfall.
Membership Subs
We realise that asking members for subs for a season that is yet to start is a bit of an ask. But we would like to think our members would like to support the club. We have therefore agreed a reduced flat rate membership for 2020 of £30 for both juniors and seniors. Please note that when nets open you must be a member to use the facility. (For reference usual subs are Juniors £60 inc match fees and Seniors are £50 plus match fees.)
Bank Details
30 91 99
using reference members name.
Please email the club when you have done this ([email protected])
If any of our membership feel they can afford a little more to support the club this would be very much appreciated. Happy for this to be done anonymously or we are incredibly happy to thank you/your company on all our communication and social media channels.
We have come up with a few fund-raising events for later in the year. More information to follow. But if any members have any good fundraising ideas the committee would love to hear from you.
Contacting the club
If you have and questions please feel free to get in contact with the committee at [email protected]
Keep safe and well
SMCC Committee