Pegged back

Chris LovellLeave a Comment

Sherston Magna had a fine win against one of division 1’s stronger teams on Saturday 27th May. Making what looked to be a below par score of 149-8 after being asked to bat first, it was a strong bowling and fielding performance that saw Sherston win. The pick of the bowlers was Andy Pegg who won the game bowing the … Read More

Shovel digs the dirt…

Chris LovellShovel digs the dirt...1 Comment

Captains putting their bodies on the line Two former Sunday skippers demonstrate that good captaincy is all about setting an example of, well, anethetising cricketing injuries as only they know how. Try avoiding the ball next time chaps! If you having any amusing shots of any fellow magna players you’d like publicised let us know – it’s all in the … Read More