President inaugurated at Sherston Magna Annual Dinner

Magna MagicMagna Magic

On Saturday 19 October members of the mighty magna came together for the end of season presentation evening at the Rattlebone Inn.

The long suffering Sherston Wives And Girlfriends (SWAGs) were rewarded with a fine three course meal and plenty of vino!

The dinner is all about recognition, our chairman compared the evening and summarised his thoughts on the year with his glamorous assistant presenting well deserved awards to Andrew Jarvis (Batsman), Harry Stevens (Bowler), Ewen Kenny (Player), James Kutchera (Clubman), Milo Morgan (Young Player) and James Skeldon (Junior).

Elsewhere in this issue you would have seen the cricketing winners performances discussed, however one that should be mentioned is the clubman award. When the awarding committee (think Oscars) were discussing this award, there was only one name in the frame. He is the first person to volunteer for jobs, put his name down for availability and get involved in extensive fundraising projects. Thank you James Kutchera, the club is grateful for your efforts over the past year! (The pub also appear to be very grateful as all these extra meetings seem to be there!)

Yes Mr President…

There was also very special recognition of Neil Forster’s enormous contribution to the club at Pinkney Park, given in an excellent and emotional speech from John Matthews, Club Chairman. Neil’s contribution to the club spans many years initially as player and club captain but especially in more recent times for the outstanding contribution in coaching the junior section and for everything that he continues to do.

Neil accepted the invitation to become the first President of Sherston Magna Cricket Club. Support his first event as President at the Smile Out Loud evening!

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