Membership details for 2017 season


As cricket season is almost upon us, it is time to sign up for 2017 Sherston Magna Cricket Club membership. Please can you make sure the club have up-to-date contact information, especially mobile phone numbers.

The fees for 2017 are:
– Playing Member £40
– Colts (U16 – U21) £20
– Juniors £50 including match fees
– Friends £20

You can pay by bank transfer to:
Sherston Magna CC
REF – Members Name

Or Cash or Check to anyone on the committee. The membership fees are vital to keep the club going, therefore prompt payment would be very much appreciated.

Why not sign up for membership here

The junior membership form can be downloaded here.

Please can we all pay our subs as soon as possible as the club relies on these funds to operate.

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