Jarvis’S Junior Jottings

Paul JarvisJuniors, Magna Magic

The lighter nights will soon be upon us and with that we can turn our thoughts to cricket.

The junior section grew in strength last year and I would like to see the same development and improvements achieved this year.

To help me I’m pleased that Andrew Jarvis, will be an able assistant. Andrew is level 2 coaching qualified and so the children of Sherston and the surrounding villages should get some high quality advice and coaching from us both this year.

Of course help is always wanted and if any parents or senior players are able to help for just an hour or two once a week that would be a great help. If you are willing to get involved please contact us through the usual channels.

New nettings facilities should hopefully be on their way early this year and this will be a huge improvement to all, but especially the junior members who can train with consistent bounce in their developing years.

Some early season detail: There is currently indoor coaching being run by Andrew alongside the adult nets on Sundays
between 2 – 3pm at the Activity Zone.

Plans are to play league cricket at under 13 and under 15s with hopefully some friendlies for the under 11s. Outdoor training likely to be on Monday’s but this will be confirmed in the next issue and in junior section emails.

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