Committee Meeting 25/02/23


The Committee met last week for its latest meeting and this one was our pre-AGM meeting.
This meant a review of the club accounts which will be presented at the AGM. Caroline
Dickenson, our dedicated Treasurer, discussed the main points and the club made a surplus
for the second year in a row which is fantastic in the current climate. This is thanks to some
brilliant grant applications and fundraising.
We then discussed the plans for the various teams for the coming season:
Mens Senior Teams

  • The Saturday side fixtures are out for Division 4 next season with Chris Fisk putting
    himself forward to lead the side for a second season.
  • The Sunday side already has a number of fixtures in the diary with long-running
    opponents and Archie Walsh, although injured, has offered to run the side this year.
  • We are all looking forward to lots of great cricket down at Pinkney Park this season
    and we’re always looking for new players so if anyone knows anyone whose
    interested look out for notifications about winter and outdoor nets
    Junior Teams
    Our junior section goes from strength to strength and James Kutchera discussed the plans
    for this year
  • Our under-13s are entering two leagues this year. A Friday T20 league and a
    Sunday 30 over league. Training for this team will start after Easter on Mondays
  • Our under-11s are also entering two teams into the Friday night T20 league. Training
    for this team will take place on Tuesdays 6.15pm.
  • Our Under 9s are going to enter a number of Festivals this year (further details to be
    provided). Training will be on Mondays 6.15pm
  • We have had a few amazing years of Allstars and we again are planning to run this
    fantastic programme. They will be on Tuesdays – watch out for further
    Ladies Section
    We had a fabulous initial update on our ladies team in 2022. We discussed continuing to
    invest and support the ladies team and those who have came down in 2022 have stated they
    really want to continue next year. We are currently funding the training of the a Level 2 coch
    specifically for the ladies section. Training will be on Thursday evenings with more details to
    follow so if you are interested or want more information then please get in touch!
    Next, we spoke about the ground. We have set two dates for our new season work. March
    18th and March 25th (10am) so please save these dates as the more help the better the
    ground will be in 2023! We also had an update on grant applications as we seek to improve
    the facilities at the ground. We also discussed holding an open day for the community on the
    15th April 2023 to increase the visibility of the club in the local area and attract potential new
    We concluded by discussing plans for the AGM on the 9th February 2023 including our new
    draft constitution, the officers we are proposing and the subscriptions for the year. The
    agenda will be circulated ahead of the meeting.

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