Neil Forster steps back but not away, from Sherston Magna juniors.

Magna MagicMagna Magic

After many years of successfully bringing on the cricketing youth of Sherston Magna CC, Neil Forster is to take a small step
back from his role of running the entire junior section of the club.

Neil will still be be involved and down at the ground on a regular basis coaching the U13’s side and making sure his older boys are playing well and keeping a watchful eye over the ‘shrimps’.

As if to provide unnecessary evidence of his continuing commitment to the club he and Nick Burridge along with help from John Weeks and James Kutchera plan to work on a project to help raise funds for the club, particularly to benefit the junior section. Neil and Nick are to produce a book of poems and illustrations accompanied by a photographic exhibition in November that will focus on pictures Nick has taken of the club during the season.

Future editions will bring more news of this exciting project.

Entitled ‘Smile Out Loud’ the book is expected to be available later this year. Dates of availability and evening event will be
published in later editions.

Our sincere thanks and gratitude extend to Neil for his continued service to the club and to Nick for his kind support on this project.

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